Asked By: shqwang
On: Oct 25, 2010 5:55:16 AM


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Accepted Answer
********************************** ********BUFFER MODULE************* ********************************** module buffer( select_0, select_1, select_2, data_rd_0, data_rd_1, data_rd_2, rd, wr, //output data_wr, //inout data ); input select_0; input select_1; input select_2; input rd; input wr; input [7:0] data_rd_0; input [7:0] data_rd_1; input [7:0] data_rd_2; inout [7:0] data; output [7:0] data_wr ; reg [7:0] data_out; reg [7:0] data_wr; wire [7:0] data; always @(rd or data_rd_0 or data_rd_1 or data_rd_2) if(!rd) begin if(select_0) data_out = data_rd_0; else if(select_1) data_out = data_rd_1; else if(select_2) data_out = data_rd_2; end always @(wr) if(!wr) data_wr = data; assign data=rd?8'hzz:data_out; endmodule ********************************** ********COUNTER MODULE************ ********************************** module counter( select, data_wr, load_counter_low, load_counter_high, load_over, latch_count, read_counter_low, read_counter_high, control_write, gate, clk, data_rd, out ); input select; input load_counter_low; input load_counter_high; input load_over; input latch_count; input read_counter_low; input read_counter_high; input control_write; input gate; input clk; input [7:0] data_wr; output out; output [7:0] data_rd; reg bcd; reg out; reg last_gate; reg gate_rising; reg count_en; reg load_control; reg data_load; reg [2:0] mode; reg [7:0] data_rd; reg [15:0] count_initial; reg [15:0] count_tmp; reg [15:0] count_buffer; reg [15:0] count; function [15:0] countnew; input [15:0] count; input bcd; reg [3:0] temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4; begin if(!bcd) countnew = count - 1; else begin {temp4,temp3,temp2,temp1} = count; temp1 = temp1-1; if(temp1 == 4'b1111) begin temp1 = 4'b1001; temp2 = temp2-1; if(temp2 == 4'b1111) begin temp2 = 4'b1001; temp3 = temp3-1; if(temp3 == 4'b1111) begin temp3 = 4'b1001; temp4 = temp4-1; if(temp4 == 4'b1111) begin temp3 = 4'b1001; end end end end countnew = {temp4,temp3,temp2,temp1}; end end endfunction always @(posedge control_write or posedge load_counter_low or posedge load_counter_high) if(control_write && select) count_initial <= 0; else if(load_counter_low && select) count_initial[7:0] <= data_wr; else if(load_counter_high && select) count_initial[15:8] <= data_wr; always @(posedge latch_count or posedge control_write) if(control_write && select) count_buffer <= 16'b0; else if(latch_count && select) count_buffer <= count; always @(posedge read_counter_low or posedge read_counter_high) if(read_counter_low && select) data_rd <= count_buffer[7:0]; else if(read_counter_high && select) data_rd <= count_buffer[15:8]; always @(negedge clk or posedge load_over or posedge gate or posedge control_write)begin if(!load_control && control_write && select) begin bcd <= data_wr[0]; mode <= data_wr[3:1]; load_control <= 1; data_load <= 0; end else if(!data_load && load_over && select)begin data_load <= 1; gate_rising <= 0; end else if(!gate_rising && gate && !last_gate) gate_rising <= 1; else begin last_gate <= gate; load_control <= 0; if(mode == 3'b000)begin if(data_load == 1)begin count <= count_initial; data_load <= 0; count_en <= 1; end else if(gate && count && count_en) count = countnew(count,bcd); if(!count && count_en) count_en <= 0; if(load_control == 1)begin out <= 0; load_control <= 0; end else if(count_en && !count) out <= 1; end if(mode == 3'b001)begin if(gate_rising == 1)begin count <= count_initial; gate_rising <=0; count_en <= 1; end else if(count && count_en) count = countnew(count,bcd); if(!count && count_en) begin count_en <= 0; out <=1; end if(load_control == 1)begin out <= 1; load_control <= 0; end else if(gate_rising) out <= 0; end if(mode == 3'b010 || mode == 3'b110)begin if(data_load && gate)begin count_tmp <= count_initial; data_load <= 0; count_en <= 1; end if(!gate_rising && gate && count && count_en) count = countnew(count,bcd); else if(gate_rising == 1)begin count <= count_tmp; gate_rising <=0; end else if(gate && count_en) count <= count_tmp; if(load_control == 1)begin out <= 1; load_control <= 0; end else if(gate && count == 1) out <= 0; else out <= 1; end if(mode == 3'b011 || mode == 3'b111)begin if(data_load && gate)begin count <= count_initial; data_load <= 0; count_en <= 1; end if(count==0 && count_en) count=count_initial; else if(gate_rising == 1)begin count <= count_initial; gate_rising <=0; end else if(gate && !count[0]&& count_en)begin count = countnew(count,bcd); count = countnew(count,bcd); end else if(gate && count[0]&& out&& count_en) count = countnew(count,bcd); else if(gate && count[0]&& !out && count_en)begin count = countnew(count,bcd); count = countnew(count,bcd); count = countnew(count,bcd); end if(load_control == 1)begin out <= 1; load_control <= 0; end else if(count==0 && count_en) out = ~out; else if(!gate) out = 1 ; end if(mode == 3'b100)begin if(data_load == 1)begin count <= count_initial; data_load <= 0; count_en <= 1; end else if(gate && count && count_en) count = countnew(count,bcd); if(load_control == 1)begin out <= 1; load_control <= 0; end else if(!count && out && count_en)begin count_en <= 0; out <= 0; end else out <= 1; end if(mode == 3'b101)begin if(gate_rising == 1)begin count <= count_initial; gate_rising <=0; count_en <= 1; end else if(count_en) count = countnew(count,bcd); if(!count && count_en)begin count <=count_initial; count_en <= 0; end if(load_control == 1)begin out <= 1; load_control <= 0; end else if(count==0) out <= 0; else out <= 1; end end end endmodule ********************************** **********LOGIC MODULE************ ********************************** module logic( rd, wr, a0, a1, rst_n, data_wr, state, byte_high, select_0, select_1, select_2 ); input rd; input wr; input a0; input a1; input rst_n; input [7:0] data_wr; output [2:0] state; output byte_high; output select_0; output select_1; output select_2; reg [7:0] state; reg byte_high_2; reg byte_low_2; reg byte_high_1; reg byte_low_1; reg byte_high_0; reg byte_low_0; reg byte_high; reg byte_low; reg select_0; reg select_1; reg select_2; reg low; parameter state_load_counter_low=3'd1; parameter state_load_counter_high=3'd2; parameter state_write_mode_word=3'd3; parameter state_read_counter_latch=3'd4; parameter state_read_counter_low=3'd5; parameter state_read_counter_high=3'd6; parameter disable_3_state=3'd7; always @(rst_n or rd or wr or a1 or a0) if(rst_n) begin state = disable_3_state; low = 0; byte_high = 0; byte_low = 0; byte_high_0 = 0; byte_low_0 = 0; byte_high_1 = 0; byte_low_1 = 0; byte_high_2 = 0; byte_low_2 = 0; select_0 = 0; select_1 = 0; select_2 = 0; end else case({rd,wr,a1,a0}) 5'b01000: if(low && byte_high) begin state = state_load_counter_high; low = 0; end else if(byte_low) begin state = state_load_counter_low; if(byte_high) low = 1; end else if(byte_high) state = state_load_counter_high; else state = disable_3_state; 5'b01001: if(low && byte_high) begin state = state_load_counter_high; low = 0; end else if(byte_low) begin state = state_load_counter_low; if(byte_high) low = 1; end else if(byte_high) state = state_load_counter_high; else state = disable_3_state; 5'b01010: if(low && byte_high) begin state = state_load_counter_high; low = 0; end else if(byte_low) begin state = state_load_counter_low; if(byte_high) low = 1; end else if(byte_high) state = state_load_counter_high; else state = disable_3_state; 5'b01011: begin case(data_wr[7:6]) 2'b00: begin select_0 = 1; select_1 = 0; select_2 = 0; end 2'b01: begin select_0 = 0; select_1 = 1; select_2 = 0; end 2'b10: begin select_0 = 0; select_1 = 0; select_2 = 1; end default:begin select_0 = 0; select_1 = 0; select_2 = 0; end endcase byte_high = data_wr[5]; byte_low = data_wr[4]; if(!byte_low && !byte_high)begin state = state_read_counter_latch; end else begin state = state_write_mode_word; case(data_wr[7:6]) 2'b00: begin byte_high_0 = byte_high; byte_low_0 = byte_low; end 2'b01: begin byte_high_1 = byte_high; byte_low_1 = byte_low; end 2'b10: begin byte_high_2 = byte_high; byte_low_2 = byte_low; end endcase end end 5'b00100: if(low && byte_high_0) begin state = state_read_counter_high; low = 0; end else if(byte_low_0) begin state = state_read_counter_low; if(byte_high_0) low = 1; end else if(byte_high_0) state = state_read_counter_high; else state = disable_3_state; 5'b00101: if(low && byte_high_1) begin state = state_read_counter_high; low = 0; end else if(byte_low_1) begin state = state_read_counter_low; if(byte_high_1) low = 1; end else if(byte_high_1) state = state_read_counter_high; else state = disable_3_state; 5'b00110: if(low && byte_high_2) begin state = state_read_counter_high; low = 0; end else if(byte_low_2) begin state = state_read_counter_low; if(byte_high_2) low = 1; end else if(byte_high_2) state = state_read_counter_high; else state = disable_3_state; default: state = disable_3_state; endcase endmodule ********************************** ********CONTROL MODULE************ ********************************** module control( state, byte_high, load_counter_low, load_counter_high, load_over, latch_count, read_counter_low, read_counter_high, control_write ); input [2:0] state; input byte_high; output load_counter_low,load_counter_high,load_over,latch_count, read_counter_low,read_counter_high,control_write; reg load_counter_low,load_counter_high,load_over,latch_count, read_counter_low,read_counter_high,control_write; parameter state_load_counter_low=8'd1; parameter state_load_counter_high=8'd2; parameter state_write_mode_word=8'd3; parameter state_read_counter_latch=8'd4; parameter state_read_counter_low=8'd5; parameter state_read_counter_high=8'd6; parameter disable_3_state=8'd7; always @(state) case(state) state_load_counter_low: begin load_counter_low = 1; load_counter_high = 0; if(byte_high) load_over = 0; else load_over = 1; latch_count = 0; read_counter_low = 0; read_counter_high = 0; control_write = 0; end state_load_counter_high: begin load_counter_low = 0; load_counter_high = 1; load_over = 1; latch_count = 0; read_counter_low = 0; read_counter_high = 0; control_write = 0; end state_write_mode_word: begin load_counter_low = 0; load_counter_high = 0; load_over = 0; latch_count = 0; read_counter_low = 0; read_counter_high = 0; control_write = 1; end state_read_counter_latch:begin load_counter_low = 0; load_counter_high = 0; load_over = 0; latch_count = 1; read_counter_low = 0; read_counter_high = 0; control_write = 0; end state_read_counter_low: begin load_counter_low = 0; load_counter_high = 0; load_over = 0; latch_count = 0; read_counter_low = 1; read_counter_high = 0; control_write = 0; end state_read_counter_high: begin load_counter_low = 0; load_counter_high = 0; load_over = 0; latch_count = 0; read_counter_low = 0; read_counter_high = 1; control_write = 0; end default: begin load_counter_low = 0; load_counter_high = 0; load_over = 0; latch_count = 0; read_counter_low = 0; read_counter_high = 0; control_write = 0; end endcase endmodule ********************************** **********C8253 MODULE************ ********************************** module C8253( rst_n, rd, wr, a0, a1, clk_0, gate_0, clk_1, gate_1, clk_2, gate_2, data, out_0, out_1, out_2 ); input rst_n; input rd; input wr; input a0; input a1; input clk_0; input gate_0; input clk_1; input gate_1; input clk_2; input gate_2; inout [7:0] data; output out_0; output out_1; output out_2; wire [2:0] state; wire [7:0] data_wr; wire [7:0] data; wire [7:0] data_rd_0; wire [7:0] data_rd_1; wire [7:0] data_rd_2; wire select_0; wire select_1; wire select_2; wire load_counter_low; wire load_counter_high; wire load_over; wire latch_count; wire byte_high; wire read_counter_low; wire read_counter_high; wire control_write; wire out_0; wire out_1; wire out_2; wire rd; wire rst_n; wire wr; wire clk_0; wire gate_0; wire clk_1; wire gate_1; wire clk_2; wire gate_2; logic logic( .rd(rd), .wr(wr), .a0(a0), .a1(a1), .rst_n(rst_n), .data_wr(data), .state(state), .byte_high(byte_high), .select_0(select_0), .select_1(select_1), .select_2(select_2) ); control control( .state(state), .byte_high(byte_high), .load_counter_low(load_counter_low), .load_counter_high(load_counter_high), .load_over(load_over), .latch_count(latch_count), .read_counter_low(read_counter_low), .read_counter_high(read_counter_high), .control_write(control_write) ); counter counter0( .select(select_0), .data_wr(data_wr), .load_counter_low(load_counter_low), .load_counter_high(load_counter_high), .load_over(load_over), .latch_count(latch_count), .read_counter_low(read_counter_low), .read_counter_high(read_counter_high), .control_write(control_write), .gate(gate_0), .clk(clk_0), .data_rd(data_rd_0), .out(out_0) ), counter1( .select(select_1), .data_wr(data_wr), .load_counter_low(load_counter_low), .load_counter_high(load_counter_high), .load_over(load_over), .latch_count(latch_count), .read_counter_low(read_counter_low), .read_counter_high(read_counter_high), .control_write(control_write), .gate(gate_1), .clk(clk_1), .data_rd(data_rd_1), .out(out_1) ), counter2( .select(select_2), .data_wr(data_wr), .load_counter_low(load_counter_low), .load_counter_high(load_counter_high), .load_over(load_over), .latch_count(latch_count), .read_counter_low(read_counter_low), .read_counter_high(read_counter_high), .control_write(control_write), .gate(gate_2), .clk(clk_2), .data_rd(data_rd_2), .out(out_2) ); buffer buffer( .select_0(select_0), .select_1(select_1), .select_2(select_2), .data_rd_0(data_rd_0), .data_rd_1(data_rd_1), .data_rd_2(data_rd_2), .rd(rd), .wr(wr), .data_wr(data_wr), .data(data) ); endmodule
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