cmos inverter

a cmos inverter can have enhancement as well as depletion pull up device. how to choose between the two as far as application is concerned?

Asked By: absjoshi
On: Jul 18, 2004 8:09:35 AM


i think its the other way round cause in the case of enhancment mode there are 2 ways you can do them: either in the saturation mode or the linear region. In the linear region 2 power supplys are needed. So while deciding which of the 2 ya wanna use in the enhancment, the voltage level that can be reached is vdd- Vt thus the noise margin region is reduced while in depletion region the voltage level is 0 to Vdd. Also if you look at the small signal analysis, the gain of the depletion mode is more than enhancment. other factors like output resistance are also there
That depends on the power requirements. If it is a lowpower deisng then the designer goes for enhancement mode transistor.
I believe its based on whether the designer want Vt to be(for nMOS) +ive or -ive and vice versa for pMOS. In enhancement Vt is +ive for nMOS and -ive (for nMos)for depletion.
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