FIFO Depth

If there are 2 modules one of which can write max. 6 bytes/10 cycles and the another can read max. 60 bytes/100 cycles. What should be the depth of the fifo to ensure there is no loss of data?

Asked By: pramodm
On: Jul 2, 2004 3:48:42 AM


In 100 clock cycles the module 'I' would have written 60bytes. In worst case the module 'II' would not have read any data till first 40clock cycles, after that it would have read 60bytes back to back in 60 clock cycles. So storage is required to prevent data loss if read module is IDLE for 40clock cycles. In 40 clock cycles module I can write (6/10) * 40 bytes, i.e 24bytes. FIFO depth should be min 24.
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