Si better than Ge?

I was wondering why is Si used more than Ge in semiconducotor fabrication? Are there any other reasons than -Si can withstand high temeprature -It is widely available with low cost Any more? Thanks Rohit

Asked By: rskurane
On: Jun 7, 2005 12:43:44 PM


Not only threshold voltage.the main reason is si has less leakage current thean Ge.its fband gap energy is greater than Ge.
for more points read the first article of S.M.Sze, VLSI TEchnology
rskurane si has many more .you know we had a 10 mark question in my btech last year in mems where our mam described the differences and advantages of si over ge.but all those were material science type and i dont remeber can google that and find out.
Threshold voltage is one of the other main factors. Si has 0.6V and Ge has 0.2. Lower threshold means more leakage..
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